Free Copy of the Atkins Diet Plan

For most of my life I have been searching for the right diet. You name it and I have tried it, Weight Watchers, Body for Life, Slimfast just to name a few. I even tried Atkins and other low carb diets without any significant weight loss.

Fortunately I persevered and tried again and again because this was one of my major life goals. This was because with each diet I was gaining more weight afterwords. So the need was becoming much more acute because of the health risks that were very serious.


With each diet failure I felt that I had learned something that was unique about that particular diet. This made me realize that I should really become an avid student of diets to learn if there was something I was doing wrong. So I kept reading about the success others had achieved with the Atkins diet and I could see there must be a missing link.

Free Copy of the Atkins Diet Plan

That is when I found out that the Atkins diet was not about just eating tons of cheese and hot dogs, but was rather a well though out diet plan that I needed to get a copy of. So I borrowed the book from my public library and read it from cover to cover. This led me to the realization that I needed to follow the Atkins diet plan as it was exactly in the book.

What happened was after I got serious about the Atkins diet I lost a bunch of weight. Pretty soon I was free of over thirty pounds!

To make sure that I would be very successful I summarized all the details and read it over every week to make sure that I was doing everything right. If you would like a copy of this summary please check out for a free copy of the Atkins diet plan.

Free Copy of the Atkins Diet Plan

Neil Rischall is a Low Carb dieter who is losing weight with his free copy of the Atkins diet plan. You can also reach him on Twitter at

How To Follow The Atkins Diet Successfully

Sometimes it seems like the more diet plans you check out, the more confusing it gets. One program tells you to avoid fat, the next one that fat is okay as long as you avoid carbohydrates, and it goes on. It can get to the point where you wonder whether it's okay to eat anything at all! But all diet plans have one thing in common - you need to have some discipline and stick to the guidelines.

This is certainly true of the Atkins Diet. It is based on the concept that you need to eat fewer carbohydrates in order to lose weight. The idea is that cutting down on carbs forces your body to burn fat rather than carbs, and so you lose weight. It's a progressive diet, starting out with a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and building up the amount of carbs you can eat as you achieve your weight goals. If you don't stick to the rules, chances are you won't lose weight.


One big mistake that people make with the Atkins Diet is focusing solely on the amount of carbohydrates they eat, and that's all. In fact, although the Atkins Diet doesn't stop you eating fat, it's still going to be more beneficial if you avoid eating fatty foods as much as possible. Stick to leaner cuts of meat and fish, and only eat small servings of each. Many nutritionists now believe it's actually better for you to eat up to 6 small meals spaced throughout the day, rather than 3 big meals.

How To Follow The Atkins Diet Successfully

Another important element in weight loss is exercise. Yes, I know you were probably hoping that those claims that you can lose weight in your sleep were true, but forget it. Apart from anything else, if you lose a lot of weight using the Atkins Diet and don't exercise at the same time, you'll end up looking out of shape because you've lost muscle as well as fat. You need to maintain your muscle tone, particularly if you're losing more than a few pounds.

The Atkins Diet will also work more successfully if you drink a lot of water. It's suggested that the average adult should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. You need to spread these out over the whole day, and if you switch to eating 6 small meals a day, you can simply drink a glass of water with each one to relieve the boredom! Plus drinking lots of water helps the body to digest your food, and flushes toxins from your system.

Following the dietary guidelines of the Atkins Diet is certainly important if you want to be successful, but by following these simple guidelines you can also look great and lose weight more quickly.

How To Follow The Atkins Diet Successfully

Want to find out more about the Atkins Diet? Click over to Jo's site at Also learn more about how to burn fat [].

Are You Ready to Turbo Charge Your Atkins Diet?

Lose up to 16 pounds a week by combing the highly effective Atkins diet and the super healthy Mediterranean diet. This plan is so incredibly powerful that you can lose five, ten and even up to 16 pounds in a single week!

On average, dieters using the Mediterranean-Atkins diet plan lost more than 30 pounds in 12 weeks. My first seven weeks following this plan I lost 27 pounds and my room mate lost 22. There was also a dramatic improvement in my blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. My doctor was extremely pleased with my readings.


The plan is like a Mediterranean mini-feast. Think fish with lemon and herbs, fresh green drizzled with olive oil, and even a lovely glass of red wine! Seriously here, I am not joking.

Are You Ready to Turbo Charge Your Atkins Diet?

The major difference between the old approach and the new one is that every other day your main protein will be fish. However the other days you can still have unrestricted and unlimited protein rather it is from eggs, chicken, beef and etc.

You will also refrain from pre-packaged low-carb foods and instead you will focus on getting 30 grams of carbs a day from nutrient-packed vegetables. Olive oil will be your main source of fat. And you can also have the option of savoring up to two small glasses of wine a day.

Simply put the Atkins and Mediterranean diets better together than they do on their own. By following the subsequent turbo secrets you too can have very similar results.

The best protein for weight loss is fish. Of course any diet that cuts down significantly on carbs and boosts protein will flip switches in the body that slash hunger while increasing metabolism and speed up the fat burning. But of all the protein choices, fish has the most fat-fighting power. Studies show that nutrients in fish not only make our anti-hunger hormones work better, they also help spark fat so flab burns faster.

The best fat for weight loss is olive oil. Olive oil is not only good for your heart, studies show it also dampens the appetite, curbs cravings and helps speed up the metabolism. Simply put if you replace unhealthy fats with olive oil you are going to see the biggest difference in your scale.

By getting your carbohydrates from vegetables instead of pre-packaged low-carb foods you can get special fat-blasting antioxidants. For starters, by eliminating fake sweeteners that actually stimulates the appetite you will be loading up on fat fighting super nutrients especially if you decide to drink red wine while participating in the Mediterranean-Atkins diet plan. Red wine contains a super antioxidant called resveratrol which is one of the most studied nutrients in the world today. In addition to a ton of other incredibly healthy benefits it also helps lower blood sugar and appears to help with low calorie diets as well. In other words, drinking red wine can actually cause weight loss.

So if you are a huge fan of low-carb diets like I am but you also like to enjoy a glass of wine here and there then this diet is for you. Of course that is in addition to the incredible weight loss you can experience as well.

Are You Ready to Turbo Charge Your Atkins Diet?

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Atkins Advantage Shakes - Perfect For the Atkins Diet As Meal Replacement Drinks

The Atkins diet is a low-carb diet that has been proven throughout the years for its ability to get people to lose weight. One of the best options to use for this diet are meal replacement drinks but it can be tough to find good ones that fit the diet's guidelines. Fortunately Atkins Advantage has made a series of Atkins diet drinks. This is the line of Atkins Advantage shakes.

Atkins Advantage shakes are made by the Atkins Advantage group. This group is one that is well on top of the field of Atkins diet products and studies. Quality is the main consideration of the group in that it works to make products that are not only delicious but also healthy for the diet.


It is easy to mix a shake. The material that is used is properly shaken before drinking and is chilled properly. The user just opens after than and drinks. It is easy to enjoy this product thanks to its ease of handling.

Atkins Advantage Shakes - Perfect For the Atkins Diet As Meal Replacement Drinks

The contents of these shakes are low in fat. Each can contains no grams of trans fat. This is guaranteed by Atkins Advantage for quality and health.

There are all sorts of different shakes in a variety of flavors from Atkins Advantage. Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors are available at various drugstores and health stores.

Each can of Atkins Advantage shakes contain only 160 calories and only one gram of sugar. It is easy to drink without the results of a crash later in the day like with some energy drinks.

All sorts of vitamins and minerals are included in these Atkins diet drinks. All sorts of B vitamins are featured for energy and for building muscles. Vitamins A and C are featured for immune system protection. Fifteen grams of protein are used in each shake as well.

The best thing about these meal replacement drinks is that they work to follow Atkins diet guidelines. Each can contains only four grams of carbohydrates, which is a mere one percent of one's daily recommended value. According to the Net Atkins Count only one gram will impact blood sugar, thus making it easier to lose or maintain one's weight.

It should be noted that while these Atkins diet drinks contain valuable materials it is not for everyone. These drinks do contain milk and soy ingredients. As a result it is not recommended for those with allergies to these materials. Some sulfites are included in these shakes too.

Atkins Advantage shakes are among the best meal replacement drinks to use. These drinks feature all sorts of important nutrients. These are also drinks that are perfect for the Atkins diet thanks to its low carb content and impact.

Atkins Advantage Shakes - Perfect For the Atkins Diet As Meal Replacement Drinks

Atkins Advantage shakes are among the best meal replacement drinks to use. These drinks feature all sorts of important nutrients. These are also drinks that are perfect for the Atkins diet thanks to its low carb content and impact. Find out more tips on meal replacement drinks at

New Matthews 2012 Heli-M Bow - A Closer Look

As the new year inches closer bow companies are working hard on their new bow lineup, which they hope will be a great success for the upcoming year. While some companies prefer to keep things secret other prefer to get a jump on the marketing of their new products and Mathews Archery has done this with the unveiling of their new 2012 Heli-m bow.

The new 2012 Matthews Heli-m was unveiled as being the bow that has over 20 years of Mathews innovation and technology poured into it. The new Heli-m is the lightest bow to hit the market thus far weighing in at an just 3.5lbs, while also sporting a generous brace height of 7". With an IBO speed of 332fps and all of Mathews sound and vibration dampening technology this makes the new 2012 Matthews Heli-m bow one of the top contenders for the 2012 bow lineup.


Mathews has incorporated some great technologies into the new Heli-m that include:

New Matthews 2012 Heli-M Bow - A Closer Look

>Mathews Geo Grid Lock riser which provides incredible strength and durability while greatly reducing the overall weight of the bow.

>Mathews Harmonic Stabilizer Lite which is like the previous version in that it stops nearly 75% of the bows residual vibration however it has the added benefit of weighing over 70% lighter than its predecessor.

>Mathews Reverse Assist Roller Guard which assists with creating a smoother cleaner draw experience for the archer or bowhunter. This technology works to create a smooth draw by reducing the amount of overall friction and tension that is put on the cables during the draw cycle.

>Mathews Heli-m Cam and QCA which is the work of over 20 years of single cam innovation and technology, which means a quality, dependable and consistent Cam you can trust.

These are just a few of the technologies that have been added into the new 2012 heli-m, and they are all work together to bring you an excellent overall bow that will not likely disappoint you. Mathews has been in the game for over 20 years and has been a strong contender in the archery and bowhunting markets. They are known for their quality products and for breaking through the barriers to bring new innovative ideas and technologies to their products.

However with the release the new 2012 bows from other big players such as: Bowtech, Hoyt, and PSE that also have names that ring out quality and innovation the new Heli-m could encounter some stiff competition this upcoming year.

New Matthews 2012 Heli-M Bow - A Closer Look

Want more information and pictures of the Heli-m and other 2012 bows? Visit us here at and take a look at the new 2012 bows

How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

For the past two years, the NO NO Hair Removal System has been quietly and consistently selling in shops and online stores. 10,000s of people have now used it to treat their unwanted body hair. Scientists have also had a chance to evaluate the NO NO's performance and it would seem that now is a good time for some reflection and to answer a question which still comes up:

How good really is the NO NO at removing hair?


I have been using the NO NO for 9 months and it has given me a rapid, painless solution to semi-permanent hair removal at a price pretty much everyone can afford. For the first 3 months, I treated myself 3 times a week and then during the 4th month, I decreased my treatment to just once a week. When I entered the 5th month I stopped all treatment completely and the result was amazing. I didn't have any hair growth for over 5 weeks! When my hair did start to grow back, it was much finer than before and was quickly removed with a short NO NO session.

How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

This is possible because of the NO NO's Thermicon technology.

Thermicon treatment is without doubt utterly ground breaking as it does not target the melanin in the hair's follicle like laser hair removal treatments do and means that persons with blond, red, white or gray hair coloration and also people with dark or tanned skin are able to operate the NO NO without the possibility of burning themselves. This makes the NO NO the first hair removal which is universally available to everyone. Hair removal is no longer an exclusive club; it is now open to all.

A long term solution to hair removal.

Most reviews agree that if you use the NO NO as directed you will usually see a reduction in body hair which lasts between 7 - 10 weeks. When the stubble eventually returns, you simply run the NO NO over your skin and...that's it! Whoever heard of re-treatments lasting 10 minutes! The best part is, you'll only need to do this every 1 - 2 months. The NO NO saves you the trouble and pain of shaving or waxing and gets rid of all unwanted body hair in a matter of minutes.

For the cost of a night out for two, you can have a pain free answer to unwanted body hair which is easy to use and best of all, works in the long term.

How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

For more detailed NO NO Hair Removal Reviews, you can visit our website by clicking here