How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

For the past two years, the NO NO Hair Removal System has been quietly and consistently selling in shops and online stores. 10,000s of people have now used it to treat their unwanted body hair. Scientists have also had a chance to evaluate the NO NO's performance and it would seem that now is a good time for some reflection and to answer a question which still comes up:

How good really is the NO NO at removing hair?


I have been using the NO NO for 9 months and it has given me a rapid, painless solution to semi-permanent hair removal at a price pretty much everyone can afford. For the first 3 months, I treated myself 3 times a week and then during the 4th month, I decreased my treatment to just once a week. When I entered the 5th month I stopped all treatment completely and the result was amazing. I didn't have any hair growth for over 5 weeks! When my hair did start to grow back, it was much finer than before and was quickly removed with a short NO NO session.

How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

This is possible because of the NO NO's Thermicon technology.

Thermicon treatment is without doubt utterly ground breaking as it does not target the melanin in the hair's follicle like laser hair removal treatments do and means that persons with blond, red, white or gray hair coloration and also people with dark or tanned skin are able to operate the NO NO without the possibility of burning themselves. This makes the NO NO the first hair removal which is universally available to everyone. Hair removal is no longer an exclusive club; it is now open to all.

A long term solution to hair removal.

Most reviews agree that if you use the NO NO as directed you will usually see a reduction in body hair which lasts between 7 - 10 weeks. When the stubble eventually returns, you simply run the NO NO over your skin and...that's it! Whoever heard of re-treatments lasting 10 minutes! The best part is, you'll only need to do this every 1 - 2 months. The NO NO saves you the trouble and pain of shaving or waxing and gets rid of all unwanted body hair in a matter of minutes.

For the cost of a night out for two, you can have a pain free answer to unwanted body hair which is easy to use and best of all, works in the long term.

How Good Really is the NO NO Hair Removal System?

For more detailed NO NO Hair Removal Reviews, you can visit our website by clicking here